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Reasons to hire a nursing license defense attorney

On Behalf of | Jan 6, 2020 | Nursing License Defense |

If you receive an accusation from the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), your professional license could be at risk. As nursing is not a well-paid job, perhaps you are considering saving on the expense of an attorney. However, this could prove to be a mistake.

Here are some reasons why you should hire an attorney to defend your nursing license:

  • They have done this before: An attorney experienced in license defense will have handled many situations like yours. They know how the process works and have worked out the best strategies to defend a license.
  • They understand the terminology: The BRN uses precise terms when talking about disciplinary actions. It can be easy to misinterpret these and react in the wrong way if you have not heard them before.
  • They understand the options available: You may think you will walk into the disciplinary hearing, charm the panel and walk out with the charges dismissed. The reality may be very different. An experienced license defense lawyer can help set the right expectations. They will understand the probable outcome for the charges you face and the choices you may have.
  • They can relieve the burden: Having to defend your license can be stressful, especially if you have a family to feed. It can be hard to focus on preparing your defense and remembering the deadlines. An attorney can ease some of the pressure and workload involved and ensure things get done on time.

It is not easy to get a nursing license or gain experience. Seeking professional help to defend charges against you gives you the best chance of ensuring your license and experience do not go to waste.

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