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Your right to appeal could save your nursing license

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2023 | Nursing License Defense |

The state of California holds nurses to a relatively high standard. Criminal charges and even professional mistakes can potentially cost someone their nursing license or prevent them from securing one in the first place.

Allegations of misconduct or gross failures on the job may lead to disciplinary hearings in front of the California Board of Registered Nursing. Perhaps you attempted to defend yourself at a meeting, or maybe you sought help from a professional who didn’t have experience with licensing hearings.

After an unfavorable outcome, you may worry that the years you have committed to developing your career have gone to waste. However, your right to appeal could potentially help you secure a better outcome.

Those subject to discipline have appeal rights

The possible disciplinary actions taken by the Board of Registered Nursing include the revocation or suspension of someone’s license. Licensed nurses could also face public reprimand or a probationary period following a disciplinary hearing.

The Board will also make records of disciplinary matters public for three years following the hearing. After an unfavorable ruling, people often want to give up and take some time to rethink the situation. However, time is of the essence if you want to protect your profession! You only have 30 days from when the Board enters its final decision to file an appeal.

Typically, the hearing related to someone’s professional discipline will take place in front of an administrative law judge. Therefore, an appeal will involve the California Superior Courts. If the courts review the details of the original hearing, they could potentially reverse the decision or return the matter to the lower courts for another hearing.

The right advocacy can make all the difference. Especially after the unsuccessful attempt to defend yourself at your initial hearing, you may recognize better than many people how important it is to have the right support when facing criminal charges or a hearing in front of the Board of Registered Nursing.

The appeals process can be largely technical, and small mistakes on your part could be quite detrimental to your objective of protecting your professional future. Learning more about your right to appeal and properly developing a defense strategy can help you protect your nursing license.

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