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Protecting your license after a social media misstep

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2024 | Nursing License Defense |

Social media has become a huge part of life, but for nurses, it can also be a minefield. A careless post can lead to serious consequences, including disciplinary action from the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) and even losing your nursing license.

Nurses are held to high professional standards

Nurses are the most trusted professionals in America. That is why it is always safe to assume that patients, colleagues and the public can see anything you post online. So, when you share patient information, make disparaging remarks about your workplace or engage in unprofessional behavior, you may jeopardize your reputation and career.

The BRN has strict rules about professional conduct, including social media use. Any content that harms a patient, discredits the profession or breaks patient confidentiality is often considered unprofessional.

If the BRN receives a complaint about your social media activity, they can investigate and take disciplinary action. This can include a letter of reprimand, license suspension and license revocation. These consequences can severely affect your career and livelihood.

Protecting yourself and your profession

If you believe you made a social media mistake that could risk your nursing license, take these steps immediately:

  • Do not delete or alter the post: Deleting or changing a post might make it look like you are hiding evidence, which could make things worse.
  • Assess the damage: Evaluate the potential consequences of your post.
  • Be prepared to cooperate with the BRN: If the BRN investigates, be honest and cooperative.
  • Consult with an attorney: An attorney primarily concentrating on nursing license defense can advise you on the potential consequences and help protect your license.

Of course, the best way to protect your nursing license is to be mindful of your social media activity. Limit who can see, comment on or share your posts, avoid sharing personal information, and do not mix personal and professional content on your accounts.

Your nursing license is valuable. Protect it by paying close attention to your online behavior.

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