One Of California's Leading
Professional License
Defense Law Firms

Photo of attorneys Jeffrey Kravitz and Paul Chan

Knowledgeable Insurance License Defense Lawyer Throughout California

As an insurance agent, your livelihood depends on you maintaining a valid insurance license or licenses. When an allegation of bad faith, a criminal conviction or another issue threatens to take your license away, call upon the experience of California insurance license defense firm of Kravitz & Chan.

When your insurance license is in jeopardy, call 800-248-5787 or email Kravitz & Chan today.

Seasoned Attorney Providing Agent Misconduct Defense

At Kravitz & Chan, we understand the difficult situation you face. All evidence may seem to support the decision to suspend or even revoke your insurance license. Alone, it can be difficult, even impossible, to defend your character and your career. We have strong knowledge of administrative law and will use our extensive experience to provide you with a vigorous, skilled defense.

Our administrative law attorneys focus their career on defending professionals at risk of losing their licenses. We are experienced at representing clients at every stage of the license defense process and will guide clients from the initial investigation stage through hearings in front of the administrative board and appellate work when necessary. Additionally, we are skilled trial lawyers who will use our knowledge of the courtroom to aid your case. Very few lawyers have the same depth of experience as Jeffrey Kravitz and Paul Chan.

Is Your Insurance License On The Line? Contact Us Now.

If you have been accused of agent misconduct and are under displacing review by the California Department of Insurance, contact Kravitz & Chan at 800-248-5787. Learn how we can help resolve your legal matter while protecting your rights, your reputation and your career.